Social media has become one of the best ways for companies to interact with their customers and build relationships. Companies need to understand social media marketing now more than ever, as people are on social media more often due to stay at home orders. The Coronavirus crisis has left companies to rely heavily on their social media appearance and online presence in an effort to stay relevant and open for business. Read on for some helpful tips on how to manage your company's social media accounts during a global pandemic! Be Mindful with Posts Though social media users are engaging more than ever, it is still important to be mindful while posting. As a company, business will not be as usual, and neither should your posts. There has never been a global pandemic in our, and most likely your business’, lifetime so it is natural that you may be questioning whether it is the right time to post about the upcoming summer launch. The simple answer is no. For now, it would be best to save any upcoming campaigns and launches for a later date. The content and campaigns that you originally had planned most likely do not reflect on the current needs of your customers. The last thing you want right now is to seem insensitive, and oblivious to the world around you. Do Not Take Advantage Going along with being mindful - do not take advantage of the current crisis. Even though consumers are engaging more than ever on social media, it does not give you permission to exploit the situation for personal gain. Remember that there will be a time where this all ends, and customers will remember those who cared, and those who didn’t. This does not mean you should not be posting at all, it just means that you need to be more sensitive with every post you make. Again, it is okay to post, as a business you need to in order to stay afloat and sell products; however, just make sure you do not take advantage and use the coronavirus as a means to capitalize on. How You Can Help Everyone in some way is impacted by the coronavirus crisis; however, that does not mean that your company needs to be on the front lines posting about it every day. Reflect on what positive actions your company can take to relieve any stresses or pains that customers are facing at this time. It may not even be directly COVID-19 related. For example, if you are in the food industry perhaps post a coupon code that gives some leeway with free deliveries or take out specials. Or, if you are in the entertainment industry, post something that gives everyone a laugh. Just because your company does not fall into the healthcare sector does not mean that you are not able to help out during this crisis. Communicate Your Ongoing Support
During the current crisis the best way to be on social media is in a supportive capacity. Use this time to clearly communicate to your customers on what measures the company is taking to stay safe, as well as any efforts that are taking place to better support the staff, customers and community. If the company has reduced hours and employees are working remotely, then share that on your social media. Additionally, it is important to allow the customers a place to voice any concerns they have. Communication is key in maintaining a positive relationship with your customers. When it is at all possible, followup with any client concerns, you can use your social media account for two-way communication to your viewers. Social media allows you the platform to stay connected during the crisis, use it wisely to ensure your customers that you are still here to support them. Always, Audrey Marie
The PESO model stands for Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned media. The model helps segment the different channels that a company or brand uses. The PESO model integrates the four different forms of media. It is important to understand the various types of media and which one(s) are best suited for your brand. Paid Media Paid Media is any purchased message or content from a company or brand. This form of media is easily tracked and controlled, making it easy to know the results from the paid content. This form of media is a high cost compared to the other forms, and it is not as trusted by consumers as more organic media such as earned media is. Some examples of paid media are:
Paid media can overlap with shared media, for example with paid influencer content. This type of media form is a great way to drive more traffic and awareness to your brand, especially for companies that are just getting started. However, this means of media can get expensive with competition, so that is something to keep in mind when deciding if paid media is right for you. Earned Media Earned media is most commonly produced by journalists or bloggers, but it can also be known as the more organic word of mouth form of media. This type of media cannot be paid for or owned by the brand that is receiving the media. Due to earned media’s more authentic and genuine way it is the most trusted form of media out there. Additionally, earned media can overlap with shared media. Some examples of earned media are from:
Although this form is important to have, such as some reviews or customer testimonials, earned media does have some cons. Earned media cannot be controlled, and therefore, some negative or unwanted attention may come from it. In addition, you are not able to track correlation of success of any earned media to your brand. Overall, earned media is out of your and your brands’ hands; the best way to ensure positive earned media is to deliver quality content. Earned media takes time, it is not as effective as far as timeliness goes compared to the other types of media. Shared Media Shared media is the form that allows others to share and pass along your message amongst their community in social channels. This type of media often overlaps with the other three forms; paid, earned, and owned media, due to the new age of social media. Shared media can be trustful despite possibly being paid, for example, if an influencer is endorsing or promoting a product on their social media, it is considered both shared and paid. However, it would become not trustworthy if the content that the influencer is promoting and sharing is not something they actually believe in or use themselves. Here are some examples of shared media forms: Additionally, shared media can range from costing nothing to costing lots of money if you decide to get an influencer involved for example. Shared media can range in the level of your control of the message as well. Depending on the overlap of other media forms, the message could be from your own company, or be paid for. In those cases, the message that is shared can be controlled, but who sees it will not be. On the contrary, earned media that is shared is not controlled whatsoever by your brand or company and can still be shared with anyone. Overall, shared media is a useful tool as it can reach many people at once, however it is not predictable with the outcome. Owned Media Lastly, there is owned media, which is anything that you and your brand creates. This form of media is completely controlled by you. Owned media generally costs less compared to other forms; however, it has a limited audience. Owned media relies on the paid, shared, and earned media to drive traffic back to the brand. Examples that owned media consists of are:
It is crucial to keep in mind the upkeep involved with owned media to ensure everything is up to date and has content that people want to view. Owned media is all about putting time upfront in creating the content; the continuous flow of new content is what will make your website for example, successful. Always, Audrey Marie
Remember that time where you gave your relationship one more chance? That time where you and your partner revamped the love and passion? Well this is not that. This is about when your make up turns into the final break up. At first it may feel like just another falling out, where a couple of days go by and you’ll just pretend like it didn’t happen. But then a few days do go by, and you don’t feel like pretending anymore. You ask yourself ‘What’s the point?” and question your happiness all together. You may try and make excuses for your significant other and remind yourself of the ‘good times’. Let’s pause here and address these ‘good times’ that furlongs the inevitable break-up. Too often we bury the bad with the good and allow these ‘good times’ to outshine the ‘bad times’, even if they don’t. Once you are able to get past the ‘good times’ you will no longer be blinded by the inaccurate reality you’ve created in your mind about the relationship. Clarity, along with all the ‘bad times’ that led up to this moment, will emerge. Your newfound enlightenment will not let you make up so quickly. Emotions will be high, and your brain and your heart will begin to battle against each other. At this moment you’re realizing that the last make up was the final one, and you need to break-up. The next thing I say is important to truly understand, and for me, I still struggle with accepting it: It is normal to be sad. Just because you were the one that initiated the separation, does not mean that you are not allowed to be upset and mourn. With that being said, your feeling of sadness and lost does not mean that breaking up was a mistake. It does not matter if you were dating 6 months or 6 years, you still are losing a relationship nonetheless - it's natural to have feelings about it. The best thing to do is give yourself space and time away from the other person. If you constantly talk and see each other, you will go back to them and the cycle will continue once again. Their familiarity will give you comfort, and it is an easy way to slip up and backslide into remaining in the relationship. Let yourself cry with snot, eat all the leftovers, and watch all the bad reality TV shows you need to heal - just not with them. After some time, you may even be able to be in the same room without a complete meltdown or the inkling to give a kiss hello. Or, you may never want to see them again, and that is okay too. Breakup, makeup, breakup again - there is no formula on when the final straw will be had and when you should call it quits for good. There is no exact amount of time that is needed before you can see your ex again, if ever. However, if you broke up, there had to be a reason, so keep that in mind before you are deciphering over making up once more. Always, Audrey Marie There is no official definition of the newly popularized term, ‘social distancing’, however it can be interpreted as avoiding large gatherings, as explained by the Cleveland Clinic. One cannot speak of social distancing in 2020 without it being directly associated with the, well you know: Coronavirus; i.e. ‘the new plague’, the ‘c’ word, ‘the end of our world as we know it’, ect.. Coronavirus, as enchanting as it may be to speak about, does not need to be spoken about every 20 minutes on the hour. Let's just focus on the task at hand - social distancing. Why Practice Social Distancing This seems like common sense - yet it took the government shutdown of restaurants, bars, gyms, and even schools for people to practice social distancing during a pandemic. As shown in the graph above, by taking steps to slow down the spread of the virus, the number of sick people will drop. Social Distancing is the key ‘step’ for people to make in order to do their part in flattening the curve. How to Practice Social Distancing Fortunately, states such as Ohio have restricted individuals' ability to gather in large groups in public spaces by issuing the following Executive Orders:
Unfortunately, people can still do as they please in the comforts of their own home, including house parties and large family gatherings. Instead of feeding into the ignorance, practice social distancing by staying home, isolating yourself from others, and making wise decisions such as avoiding that frat house this Saturday. Social Distancing & Isolation Isolation is different from social distancing. Social distancing does not mean that you are meant to be locked in a room completely by yourself with absolutely no human contact. That would be isolation and would be for, at most, extreme circumstances. Isolation is different from social distancing as it is meant to separate the sick from the healthy. Neither social distancing nor isolation is not meant for people to go insane with loneliness, it is meant as a precautionary measure for the greater good. Staying Entertained It is advised for people to stay six feet apart from one another in order to minimize contact, especially with strangers. Therefore, during this isolation and social distancing period everyone can reenact the 2019 movie “Five Feet Apart” and walk around with a meter stick in between each other. If you don’t have a meter stick, or simply do not like being around others to begin with, then your new best friends are Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and Amazon (if they aren’t so already). Even if you do enjoy the company of others, a good binge watch paired with your coziest pajamas, that you otherwise are ashamed to wear in front of others, does well for everyone. And let’s assume that there are people who are dreading this time of social distancing; fiending for the day they are able to go back to that sketchy frat house basement once more. To those who fall in that category, you too can take this time and catch up on “Love Is Blind” and “The Office”. No one is immune to catching this virus, just as no one is immune to the guilty pleasures of bad, binge worthy TV shows. So, sit back and relax, literally. Take advantage of the staycation. There may not be another time you will be paid, and encouraged, to work from home, do school in your pajamas past the age of 10, or have the best excuse to get out of hanging out with that creepy guy (we all know one). What the Future Holds It is uncertain how long social distancing will be enforced, or when things will go back to ‘normal’. What is for certain is that everyone can do their part to help out those who do not have the option of staying home. The people on the front line of this; the emergency personnel, the doctors, nurses, nurse aides, and most importantly - the people making and shipping us all the toilet paper we could possibly dream of! In all seriousness, wash your hands before reaching for your TV remote, and after you eat your snacks. Don't lick your fingers, just get up and wash your hands again. For you will then be prepared when the time comes, and after your meter stick arrives from Amazon, and you can binge watch with a friend. Always, Audrey Marie |